
What is COAsT?

The Coastal Ocean Assessment Toolbox (COAsT) is a valuable Python package specifically designed to assist in the assessment, management, and analysis of high-resolution regional ocean model outputs. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities for analyzing and visualizing various aspects of coastal ocean data, delivering novel diagnostics for processes that emerge within these models.

Key Features

  • High-Resolution Ocean Models: COAsT is tailored to work with high-resolution regional ocean models

  • NEMO Integration: The initial focus of COAsT is on delivering a limited number of novel diagnostics for NEMO configurations, a widely used ocean model. However, the toolbox is designed to be expanded to include other diagnostics and support for additional ocean models.

  • xarray Framework: COAsT leverages the capabilities of the xarray library to provide efficient and user-friendly data handling and analysis.

  • Community-Ready and Flexible: The aim of COAsT is to create a toolbox that is ready for collaboration with the research community. It is designed to be flexible, allowing users to extend and adapt its functionalities to suit their specific research needs.


  • Observation Data Co-processing and Management: COAsT includes an expanding array of functions for reading and processing of ocean observational data types for co-analysis with simulation data. These data sources include satellite altimetry, tide gauges and in-situ profile data.

  • Visualization and Mapping: COAsT offers tools for creating visual representations of your data through maps, graphs, and charts. It seamlessly integrates with popular libraries such as cartopy and matplotlib

  • Spatial Analysis: COAsT provides robust spatial analysis tools for geospatial data analysis and statistical computations. For example flows across contours or transect, and computations over geographic regions using masks.

  • Statistical Analysis: The package also offers a suite of statistical analysis capabilities

Last modified November 3, 2023: minor tweaks (65cdb0a)