Github Actions Flowchart

Flowchart of Github actions active on the COAsT and COAsT-Site repositories.

GitHub actions diagram

This is a collection of flowcharts for all the GitHub actions used across the COAsT and COAsT-site repos


building Packages

graph LR; subgraph publish_package - runs on push to master A1[Setup python]-- 3.8 -->B1; B1[Install dependencies]-->C1; C1[Setup Enviroment]-->D1; D1[Build package]-->E1; E1[Test Package Install]-->F1 F1[Publish to pypi]-->G1 G1[Generate Conda Metadata]-->H1 H1[Publish to Anaconda] end; subgraph build_package - runs on push to non-master A[Setup python]-- 3.8 and 3.9 -->B; B[Install dependencies]-->C; C[Setup Enviroment]-->D; D[Build package]-->E; E[Test Package Install]-->F F[Generate Conda Metadata] end;

Verification, Formatting ans Pylint

graph LR subgraph formatting - runs on pull requests A[Setup python]-- 3.9 -->B; B[Install black]-->C; C[Check formatting]--> D; D[Apply formatting] end; subgraph pylint - runs on pull requests A1[Setup python]-- 3.9 -->B1; B1[Install pylint]-->C1; C1[Check Score]-- if test pass --> D1; D1[Update Score] end; subgraph verifiy_package - runs for every push A2[Setup python]-- 3.8 and 3.9 -->B2; B2[Install dependencies]-->C2; C2[Lint]-->D2; D2[Test] end; click B1 "" "tooltip"

interactions with other repos

flowchart LR subgraph b1[push_notebooks - runs on push to develop] direction LR subgraph b2[COAsT site - markdown ] direction TB a[checkout docsy site] -->b b[checkout coast] -->c c[create environment] -->d d[execute notebooks] -->e e[covert notebooks to MD] -->f f[move images to static dir] -->g g[commit changes] end t[Repository Dispatch] -- event pushed --> b2 end click a "" "Docsy site for COAsT repo"
flowchart LR subgraph b3[push_docstrings - runs on push to master] direction LR subgraph b4[COAsT site - docstrings ] direction TB a1[checkout docsy site] -->b1 b1[checkout coast] -->c1 c1[add python] -->d1 d1[covert docstrings] -->e1 e1[commit changes] end r[Repository Dispatch] -- event pushed --> b4 end click a1 "" "Docsy site for COAsT repo"

Generate unit test contents file

graph LR subgraph generate-test-contents - runs on pull_request A[checkout COAsT]-->B; B[install package]-->C; C[make example files dir]--> D; D[run]-->E E[commit changes] end;


These are the actions used on the COAsT-site repo.

Convert to markdown

See Interactions with other repos for the related markdown and docstring workflows

Build site

graph LR subgraph hugo - runs on push to master A[checkout site]-->B; B[Setup Hugo] -- v0.70.0 -->C; C[Setup Nodejs]-- v12 --> D; D[Build]-->E E[Deploy] end;