Code structure

Python style guidance.

COAsT is an object-orientated package, meaning that data is stored within Python object structures. In addition to data storage, these objects contain methods (subroutines) which allow for manipulation of this data.

The fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) are well-established and thoroughly documented. However, we believe it is important to focus certain guidelines that are particularly relevant to this programming language and its specific application:

  • In Python, all class attributes are technically public, but semantically, attributes can be designated as non-public by including leading underscores in the name. For instance, “my_variable” becomes “_my_variable”. These attributes are generally referred to as “protected”.

  • When you define a Python class, it is a best practice to inherit from the base object type. This convention stems from Python 2.X, as classes and types were not originally synonymous. This behaviour is implicit in Python 3.X but the convention has persisted nonetheless. Classes defined this way are referred to as “new-style” classes.

  • When defining a class that inherits from another, it is important to remember that overridden methods (in particular, this behaviour is important when dealing with __init__ methods) do not implicitly call the parent method. What this means is that unless you want to deliberately prevent the behaviour of the parent class (this is a very niche use-case), it is important to include a reference to the parent method. An example of this is: super().__init__() This functionality is advantageous as it prevents unnecessary duplication of code, which is a key tenet of object-oriented software.

An example of such an object in COAsT is the Gridded object, which allows for the storage and manipulation of e.g. NEMO output and domain data. It is important to understand how to load data using COAsT and the structure of the resulting objects.

A Gridded object is created and initialised by passing it the paths of the domain and data files. Ideally, the grid type should also be specified (T, U, V or F in the case of NEMO). For example, to load in data from a file containing data on a NEMO T-grid:

import coast

fn_data = "<path to T-grid data file(s)>"
fn_domain = "<path to domain file>"
fn_config = "<path to json config file>"
data = coast.Gridded(fn_data, fn_domain, fn_config)

Ideally, Gridded model output data should be in grid-specific files, i.e. containing output variables situated on a NEMO T, U, V or F grid, whereas the grid variables are in a single domain file. On loading into COAsT, only the grid specific variables appropriate for the paired data are placed into the Gridded object. A Gridded object therefore contains grid-specific data and all corresponding grid variables. One of the file names can be omitted (to get a data-only or grid only object), however functionality in this case will be limited.

Once loaded, data is stored inside the object using an xarray.dataset object. Following on from the previous code example, this can be viewed by calling:


This reveals all netcdf-type aspects of the data and domain variables that were loaded, including dimensions, coordinates, variables and attributes. For example:

Dimensions:              (axis_nbounds: 2, t_dim: 7, x_dim: 297, y_dim: 375, z_dim: 51)

    time                 (t_dim) datetime64[ns] 2007-01-01T11:58:56 ... 2007-01-31T11:58:56
    longitude            (y_dim, x_dim) float32 ...
    latitude             (y_dim, x_dim) float32 ...
Dimensions without coordinates: axis_nbounds, t_dim, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim

Data variables:
    deptht_bounds        (z_dim, axis_nbounds) float32 ...
    sossheig             (t_dim, y_dim, x_dim) float32 ...
    time_counter_bounds  (t_dim, axis_nbounds) datetime64[ns] ...
    time_instant         (t_dim) datetime64[ns] ...
    temperature          (t_dim, z_dim, y_dim, x_dim) float32 ...
    e1                   (y_dim, x_dim) float32 ...
    e2                   (y_dim, x_dim) float32 ...
    e3_0                 (z_dim, y_dim, x_dim) float32 1.0 1.0 1.0 ... 1.0 1.0

Variables may be obtained in a number of ways. For example, to get temperature data, the following are all equivalent:

temp = data.dataset.temperature
temp = data.dataset['temperature']
temp = data['temperature']

These commands will all return an xarray.dataarray object. Manipulation of this object can be done using xarray commands, for example indexing using [] or `xarray.isel``. Be aware that indexing will preserve lazy loading, however and direct access or modifying of the data will not. For this reason, if you require a subset of the data, it is best to index first.

The names of common grid variables are standardised within the COAsT package using JSON configuration files. For example, the following lists COAsT internal variable followed by the typical NEMO variable names:

  1. longitude [glamt / glamu / glamv / glamf]
  2. latitude [gphit / gphiu / gphiv / gphif]
  3. time [time_counter]
  4. e1 [e1t / e1u / e1v / e1f] (dx variable)
  5. e2 [e1t / e1u / e1v / e1f] (dy variable)
  6. e3_0 [e3t_0 / e3u_0 / e3v_0 / e3f_0] (dz variable at time 0)

Longitude, latitude and time are also set as coordinates. You might notice that dimensions are also standardised:

  1. x_dim The dimension for the x-axis (longitude)
  2. y_dim The dimension for the y-axis (latitude)
  3. t_dim The dimension for the time axis
  4. z_dim The dimension for the depth axis.

Wherever possible, the aim is to ensure that all of the above is consistent across the whole COAsT toolbox. Therefore, you will also find the same names and dimensions in, for example observation objects. Future objects, where applicable, will also follow these conventions. If you (as a contributor) add new objects to the toolbox, following the above template is strongly encouraged. This includes using xarray dataset/dataarray objects where possible, adopting an object oriented approach and adhering to naming conventions.