COAsT Documentation


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                          Coastal Ocean Assessment Toolbox


Coastal Ocean Assessment Toolbox (COAST) is a Python package specifically designed to assist in the assessment, management and analysis of high resolution regional ocean models outputs.

Here you can find information on obtaining, installing and using COAsT as well as guidelines for contributing to the project.

This documentation site is still under construction but you can still find guidelines for contributing to the package and this website. See below for description of each section.


What is COAsT?

Getting Started

Download, install and use.


Demonstrations and tutorials to help you get to know COAsT.

Contributing to COAsT

Guidelines for contributing to the COAsT Python package, Includes Python style and structure.

General Information

General information about some characteristics of the package.

API Reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of COAsT’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the relevant chapters in the main part of the documentation.

Last modified November 3, 2023: update pylint (dc09245)